Jul 8, 2018
Week 5- Fellowship and Function
Series: Koinonia- Study of Philemon

- Jul 8, 2018Week 5- Fellowship and Function
Jul 8, 2018Week 5- Fellowship and FunctionSeries: Koinonia- Study of Philemon
Paul identifies himself in this letter not as an apostle (which he is), but as a prisoner; one who is bound to Jesus. In our “koinōnía,”we are in deep relationship, joint-participants, and we are fellow prisoners and fellow workers. Our calling is to be follower of Jesus Christ—this encompasses our connection to Him and our work for Him. This enables us to know Him!
- Jul 1, 2018Week 4- Praying for One Another
Jul 1, 2018Week 4- Praying for One AnotherSeries: Koinonia- Study of Philemon
Perhaps the most important “one another” command we have in Scripture is to pray for one another. We do so not out of obligation, but out of a deep sense of connection and love. As a family, we genuinely care for each other and their well-being. We deepen our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with others as we pray for them. Our calling is to pray for each other!
- Jun 24, 2018Week 3- Becoming Partners
Jun 24, 2018Week 3- Becoming PartnersSeries: Koinonia- Study of Philemon
Paul has already used “koinōnía” in his letter. This stresses the relational aspect of fellowship that the family of God enjoys and benefits from. He now appeals to them as a partner, “koinōnós,” which more directly focuses on the participant themselves. A participant who mutually belongs and shares fellowship; a “joint-participant” in the work of Jesus. Our calling is to be partners!
- Jun 17, 2018Week 2- Becoming Family
Jun 17, 2018Week 2- Becoming FamilySeries: Koinonia- Study of Philemon
Paul, writing to Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and to the church that meets in their home; makes an appeal to them out of love. He does so, not as an order for them to do what they ought to do, but instead out of relationship. Paul is a father in the faith to them. We learn much about what it means to be in the family of God through these short few verses. Our calling is to be a family!
- Jun 10, 2018Week 1- Church That Meets in Your Home
Jun 10, 2018Week 1- Church That Meets in Your HomeSeries: Koinonia- Study of Philemon
The only way we have a FULL understanding of what we have in Christ Jesus is to share our faith and lives with the family of God. This begins a five-week study of the very short epistle, Philemon, and of koinōnía, a Greek word meaning “fellowship, sharing, community, participation, partnership, and communion.” We see this way of life displayed throughout the New Testament. Our calling is to share life together!