Jun 22, 2014
Week 40- Bringing Glory to God in Christian Conflict (Acts 15:36-16:1-5)
When disagreements between the disciples of Jesus Christ happen (and they will) there are two distinct outcomes: Either God will be glorified or God will be shamed.  In this account of the dispute between Paul and Barnabas we see God's purpose come out of what appears on the surface to be a bad situation.  In this message we will examine Christian conflict and how, when handled in a Godly way, can bring glory to God.
  • Jun 22, 2014Week 40- Bringing Glory to God in Christian Conflict (Acts 15:36-16:1-5)
    Jun 22, 2014
    Week 40- Bringing Glory to God in Christian Conflict (Acts 15:36-16:1-5)
    When disagreements between the disciples of Jesus Christ happen (and they will) there are two distinct outcomes: Either God will be glorified or God will be shamed.  In this account of the dispute between Paul and Barnabas we see God's purpose come out of what appears on the surface to be a bad situation.  In this message we will examine Christian conflict and how, when handled in a Godly way, can bring glory to God.
  • May 25, 2014Week 37- In the Place of . . . (Acts 14:1-20)
    May 25, 2014
    Week 37- In the Place of . . . (Acts 14:1-20)
    There is something that was build deep into the heart of man that gives him a deep desire to worship God.  When God is not present inside of someone they desire to worship someone else or something else.  In this account in Acts we see this desire to worship come out in the people of Lystra.  Is God truly the one we worship or do we allow other things or people to share that worship that is only supposed to be for God?
  • May 4, 2014Week 34- Gospel Blindness (Acts 13:6-12)
    May 4, 2014
    Week 34- Gospel Blindness (Acts 13:6-12)
    "But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith."  This account in the book of Acts finds Paul, Barnabas and John in a city called Seleucia and faced with direct opposition to the gospel.  How did Paul respond?  He responded with boldness and authority but all which was provided by the Holy Spirit within him.  How do we approach the challenges to the gospel?  Do we back away or do we stand firm?  In this message we will explore how God wishes us to respond when what we believe is challenged.
  • Apr 6, 2014Week 31- God Rescues Us (Acts 12:1-19)
    Apr 6, 2014
    Week 31- God Rescues Us (Acts 12:1-19)
    "Quick, Get Up"  Peter heard these words from an angel as he sat between two soldiers, shackled and confined...a prisoner.  God does indeed rescue us out of some amazing difficulties, some of our own making and some by the hands of others.  In this message we will explore just how God is a God that rescues His people from both literal and more often, figurative prisons.
  • Feb 23, 2014Week 25- Paul: A Believer on Fire (Acts 9:19-31)
    Feb 23, 2014
    Week 25- Paul: A Believer on Fire (Acts 9:19-31)
    Acts 9:21 - All those who heard him were astonished and asked, "Isn't he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn't he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?"
    Saul's conversion was complete and total. Can others see the change in us? In this message we will explore the characteristics Paul displayed that demonstrated true conversion of a believer.
  • Feb 16, 2014Week 24- The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-19)
    Feb 16, 2014
    Week 24- The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-19)
    If Saul of Tarsus who imprisoned and killed Christians can meet Jesus and have his life radically changed, then anyone can-- no matter what their past is like! Saul, who was once deceived, now sees clearly. Both physical and spiritual scales fall from his eyes. That day, blinding light pierced into darkness. Saul is the greatest picture of an enemy of God becoming the friend of God and in many ways his conversion and the details contained within scriptures parallel the path to conversion every man must walk down.  In this message we will look at those parallels and rejoice in the salvation of God.
  • Feb 2, 2014Week 22- The Captivity of Sin (Acts 8:4-25)
    Feb 2, 2014
    Week 22- The Captivity of Sin (Acts 8:4-25)
    The Captivity of Sin - In this story we see a very popular man, Simon the Sorcerer, attempt to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit.  Peter uses the phrase, "For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin."  What caused Simon to be 'captive to sin and full of bitterness'?  In this message we will explore the captivity that sin can hold us in and how we can break free of these chains.
  • Dec 22, 2013Week 4- Jesus is God Incarnate
    Dec 22, 2013
    Week 4- Jesus is God Incarnate
    The birth into human history of Jesus is why we celebrate Christmas. God became the ultimate missionary; putting on flesh (incarnation) and invading His creation as the ultimate servant. Jesus is fully man and still fully God. His virgin birth is especially crucial in connection with the person of Jesus Christ. His incarnation allowed Him to be substitute and mediator; essential for our eternal salvation and the power of the gospel ongoing in our lives.
  • Dec 8, 2013Week 2- Jesus as Priest
    Dec 8, 2013
    Week 2- Jesus as Priest
    As our High Priest, Christ Jesus has opened for us the way of access to God so that we continually draw near into God’s very presence without fear but with confidence and in full assurance of faith. We no longer need a special temple or tent, we no longer need a special man (high priest) to stand between us and God. Because of what Christ did we can “come boldly before the throne of grace”!  In this message we will look at the role of the High Priest in the Old Testament and specifically the garments they wore and see the beautiful picture of why Jesus is referred to as our High Priest.
  • Nov 10, 2013Week 16- Let us Rest (Acts 5:12-16)
    Nov 10, 2013
    Week 16- Let us Rest (Acts 5:12-16)
    One of the ten commandments is to honor the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.  In the modern church that commandment is rarely spoken about and it seems we have lost or chosen to forget the true meaning of that day.  So many Christians treat Sunday as an 'optional...what do I want to do today...day'  They treat Sunday as if it were 'THEIR day...not GODS day'.  As with our tithe where God only asks for 10% of what we earn to come back to Him, God is asking us to just set aside one day to dwell with Him, focus on Him, and with the family of God.  As believers we need to rethink our view of the sanctity of Sunday and make a decision to rededicate that day back to God versus considering it a 'snow day' where we focus on us and what we do what we want to do.
  • Oct 13, 2013Week 12- Testify of God’s Power (Acts 4:23-31)
    Oct 13, 2013
    Week 12- Testify of God’s Power (Acts 4:23-31)
    After being miraculously freed from jail, John and Peter were reunited with the brethren where they celebrated the providence of God.  When they did this an amazing thing happened...the Holy Spirit showed up!  Testimonies of the works of God in our lives seem to be a way to usher in the presence of God into a group of people.  Also in this message we celebrate God’s providence by giving testimonies of his great providence and praise; worshipping the God who watches over and provides for His people.
  • Sep 22, 2013Week 9- Traded For Jesus (Acts 3:13-26)
    Sep 22, 2013
    Week 9- Traded For Jesus (Acts 3:13-26)
    "You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you."  These powerful words spoken by Peter to the crowd that had gathered after he healed the crippled man speak volumes to us today.  In our lives we have strongholds that we have called out to instead of Jesus Christ.  We chose them over Jesus by the simple fact we place them before our Savior.  In this message we will be challenged to look deep inside and find out what 'murderer' we have chosen over Jesus Christ.
  • Sep 1, 2013Week 6- True Repentance (Acts 2:22-41)
    Sep 1, 2013
    Week 6- True Repentance (Acts 2:22-41)
    The second half of Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost is one that stands as a model for all those who preach the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Peter talks about what it means to be saved and repentance is pivotal in this process.  In this message Pastor Scott focuses on what true repentance is and how repentance plays a continual role in the life of the believer even after their initial repentance and acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice.
  • Aug 4, 2013Week 2- Foundations for the Believer (Acts 1:1-11)
    Aug 4, 2013
    Week 2- Foundations for the Believer (Acts 1:1-11)
    Most every church going Christian knows what the great commission is. At the end of the book of Matthew we read the simple and concise commission Jesus gave to His disciples and in turn all of us as part of the Church. In these first eleven verses in the book of Acts we a wonderful lesson in what exactly that means through a beautiful metaphor. Luke describes the scene of the disciples staring upwards at where they had just seen Jesus go and then being corrected by the two angels to focus rather upon what Jesus has told them to do....the great commission.
    In the Church today many are 'treading water' or simply keeping the status quo while waiting for Christ's return. Yet maybe the very reason He has not returned is because we have not been fulfilling this great commission in the way that Jesus intended for us to be fulfilling it....going into the world walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and all that means and proclaiming that today is a day of salvation for all!
  • Jun 16, 2013Christians and Demons Part 2
    Jun 16, 2013
    Christians and Demons Part 2
    Series: Misc
    In this message we will talk about the ministry of Deliverance from a practical stand point.  There will be an interview with a Deliverance Pastor as well as testimonies from believers who have experienced freedom from demonic influence by walking through deliverance.
  • Jun 9, 2013Christians and Demons – Part 1
    Jun 9, 2013
    Christians and Demons – Part 1
    Series: Misc
    What are demons and what power can they exercise in the life of a Christian?  In this message we will explore the Bible to understand where demons came from, what their purpose is, what influence they can have on Christians and how we were taught to deal with them.
  • May 26, 2013What I Have I Give to You
    May 26, 2013
    What I Have I Give to You
    Series: Misc
    Are you walking in the true power of the Holy Spirit?  As we prepare to read the book of Acts we see some powerful examples of how the Apostles were walking in great power.  Was that just for a special time then or did Jesus mean we too are expected to walk this powerful walk in the Holy Spirit?  In this message Pastor Scott will challenge us all to look at what scripture tells us about walking in the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
  • Apr 21, 2013Week 60- No Doubt About It (John 20-24-31)
    Apr 21, 2013
    Week 60- No Doubt About It (John 20-24-31)
    The disciple Thomas has become known as 'Doubting Thomas' because of this account in John.  We are quick to criticize Thomas for not believing the resurrection of Jesus Christ but in reality if we had been in his shoes would we have readily believed or would we have our doubts.  The reality we all have to come to the moment Thomas did and believe that Jesus is truly the risen Savior.  What proof are you waiting for before you will believe that Jesus can deliver you from sin, from addictions, from the life YOU have made for yourself?
  • Mar 17, 2013Week 56- The Beloved Disciple (John 19:17-27)
    Mar 17, 2013
    Week 56- The Beloved Disciple (John 19:17-27)
    Scott interviewing Rebecca
  • Feb 17, 2013Week 53- Perfect Unity (John 17)
    Feb 17, 2013
    Week 53- Perfect Unity (John 17)
    In John 17 Jesus is praying to the Father. He was praying to the Father together with the disciples with him. In this beautiful prayer he says some amazing words but there is one theme that jumps out within his prayer and that is the unity of the disciples as a witness to the world. It was almost as if Jesus knew the church would struggle with unity as it grew. In the message on Sunday we will talk about the concept of 'perfect unity' as it relates to us as believers.
  • Feb 10, 2013Week 52- Asking and Believing (John 16:17-33)
    Feb 10, 2013
    Week 52- Asking and Believing (John 16:17-33)
    In John 16 verse 23 and 24 Jesus makes a promise to the disciples that if they were to ask anything of the Father in his name they would receive it.  Is this an equation or a promise?  In this message Pastor Scott talks about the role of prayer in the early church and how the Church at Whistling Pines is poised to make a significant change towards being a praying church that ushers in the power of the Holy Spirit through corporate prayer.


  • Jan 13, 2013Week 49- Remain in Me (John 15:1-17)
    Jan 13, 2013
    Week 49- Remain in Me (John 15:1-17)
    Jesus tells His disciples to Remain in Me in John 15:1-15.  What does that mean?  In this message Pastor Scott addresses the concept of 'Remaining in Jesus' and discusses how we can remain in Jesus through allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us and follow the correct use of the spiritual disciplines.
  • Nov 25, 2012Week 44- Jesus is the Way (John 14:5-11)
    Nov 25, 2012
    Week 44- Jesus is the Way (John 14:5-11)
    In today’s world we find more and more churches are teaching false doctrines about how to attain a relationship with God.  Preaching that Jesus is the ONLY way to God has come to be viewed as judgmental and narrow minded.  It is much nicer to talk about all of us reaching to God in our own way.  Yet in this passage of scripture Jesus clearly says that the ONLY way to come to God is through Him...no exceptions.  In this message we will examine the lies that are being taught from a variety of sources about the way to salvation and establish what Jesus clearly states is truth.
  • Oct 7, 2012Week 37- The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19)
    Oct 7, 2012
    Week 37- The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19)

    The Triumphal Entry (John 12_12-19)

    John 12 contains a brief account of what many have called the Triumphal Entry when Jesus came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt.  Pastor Scott compares and contrasts this entrance of Jesus to the final glorious triumphant entry of Jesus at His second coming.

  • Sep 2, 2012Week 33- I Choose to Die (John 10:14-27)
    Sep 2, 2012
    Week 33- I Choose to Die (John 10:14-27)
    Covering John 10:14-27, Jesus continues on with the metaphorical teaching of  Him being the Shepherd and we the sheep.  The primary focus of what Jesus was trying to tell those around him was that a true follower of Jesus will hear and know His voice .  How do we hear the voice of the Shepherd, Jesus Christ?  This message will focus on the various ways we can know if Jesus is talking to us.
  • Aug 26, 2012Week 32- Our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-13)
    Aug 26, 2012
    Week 32- Our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-13)
    Covering John 10:1-13.  In this passage of scripture Jesus uses the metaphor of the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep and emphasizes four key characteristics of this relationship in order to teach the audience about the relationship Jesus came to have with those who follow him: 1) They know his voice 2) He goes out before them and they follow 3) He takes the sheep to places where they can feed and be safe, and 4) the good shepherd will give his life for his sheep.
  • Jul 29, 2012Week 28- Barbie God (John 8:37-58)
    Jul 29, 2012
    Week 28- Barbie God (John 8:37-58)